Professional Tree Care From Certified Arborists

Professional tree care is an affordable service offered by many tree care companies. It is important to protect your trees from insect infestations and diseases. It is also important to ensure that your trees are planted in the right spot, as well as pruning them to improve their health. It is also important to be aware of the risks associated with storms and other weather events.

Pruning: A personalized tree care

Having professionally pruned trees not only makes your home or property more attractive, it also helps to improve the surrounding environment. A landscape tree can increase your property value by as much as 7 percent.

Proper tree pruning can help your tree maintain its health and beauty for years to come. By trimming and pruning your tree, you can enhance the amount of sunlight reaching the lower branches and increase air flow.

A certified arborist can provide a customized tree care & maintenance plan that will ensure your tree remains healthy and beautiful for years to come. They also know the best places to plant a tree, what pruning techniques to use, and can even help cure a tree disease.

Trees need pruning throughout their life. In order to maintain the health of the tree, it is important to remove dead and infected branches. It is also important to prevent structural defects, such as codominant stems and decay. These defects will affect the tree’s growth and can potentially cause property damage, utility wires to grow into your home, and even pose a safety hazard.

Protecting trees from insect infestation and spread of tree diseases

Whether you’re looking for information about protecting trees from insect infestation or tree diseases, there are a number of resources available. Colorado State University Cooperative Extension has fact sheets that discuss different types of pests and diseases, prevention techniques, and management techniques.

Trees are affected by several types of insect and fungus infections. Some are only present in certain species of trees, while others affect all types of trees. Using an integrated pest management program helps prevent these diseases from occurring.

Some tree diseases are caused by fungi, bacteria, or viruses. A fungicide can help keep these pathogens from infecting landscapes. It is important to control the chemicals you use.

Keeping your tree well-watered can help prevent most pests from affecting it. However, if your tree is repeatedly attacked, you may need to use pesticides.

Some insect infestations can be prevented by using pest traps. They use pheromones to attract insects, and then the pests are caught in a sticky substance.

tree care

Picking the best spot to plant a tree

Putting in a new tree is a great way to add beauty to your landscape. However, you don’t want to plant a tree in the wrong location. It could spell disaster and may even diminish the value of your home. To make sure that you’re planting a tree that is a good fit for your yard, you will need to make sure that you follow a few simple tips.

The best place to start is to make a list of your landscaping goals. Then, identify the features you’d like your new tree to bestow on you. This list should include things like flowering, leaf color, shape, height and size. You might also want to include trees that complement other plants or structures in your yard.

Trees are an excellent source of shade for your patio or deck, but they can also be a nuisance. To minimize the mess, make sure to choose a tree that can stand up to the elements.

Safety concerns during storms

During storms, some trees may be more vulnerable to damage than others. These trees may be unhealthy or have structural problems. In addition, they may be in contact with electrical wires, which can be hazardous. Whether you are concerned about the safety of your tree or your home, you may want to consult an arborist.

The first step to ensuring the safety of your home is to prevent damage. A pre-storm tree inspection can help you protect your home and valuables. A certified arborist will be able to assess your trees and make recommendations for their care.

When assessing trees, be sure to look for these 5 signs of poor tree health. These signs include dead branches, fungal growth, decay, and disease. These signs may be hidden, but they can weaken a tree and put people at risk.

Storms can cause tree limbs to break, which is dangerous to people below. They can also cause significant property damage. A reputable arborist should have property damage insurance and a workers’ compensation policy.